Tips For Staying Hydrated As A Busy Mom
Having kids is by far my favorite thing I’ve ever done and while it’s the absolute biggest blessing in the world. The second I became a mom I had to redefine a lot of things. My schedule, my fitness, my movement and my hydration.
As moms, we take care of our kids, spouse, home, work, friends, etc it’s so easy for us to end up putting ourselves at the bottom of that long list. This Mother’s Day I want to remind you of the importance of taking care of yourself. I know how important it is for you to put others before yourself, to go above and beyond for those you love but you deserve to put yourself first. You are worthy of having all your needs met. You deserve to be cared for the way you care for others. After all, you know what they say - you can’t pour from an empty cup.
We all know we’re supposed to be drinking a lot of water, but it’s often easier said than done, especially for busy moms, however your body depends on water to survive. Every cell, tissue, and organ in your body needs water to work properly so staying hydrated is crucial. If you’re anything like me, staying properly hydrated hasn’t always been an easy task, but after discovering Ultima I can confidently say that it’s no longer a struggle.
Ultima Replenisher is your daily performance drink, water enhancer, and all around refresher giving you key electrolytes and minerals to help keep you hydrated better than water alone all while having 0 calories, 0 sugar, 0 carbs. Replenish and revitalize with an electrolyte drink designed to give your body what it needs to keep you going!
I know that when I’m properly hydrated, I feel better, think better, and am a better mom and wife and I encourage you to redefine your hydration and grab yourself some Ultima Replenisher. Kids made life better. Ultima made water better.
Below are a few ways I remember to stay hydrated while being a busy mom:
1. Enjoy A Glass First Thing In The Morning
Before you have your morning cup of coffee or eat breakfast, drink a full glass of water. Not only will this help with digestion, it will also help your body start the day off on the right track. Pro tip: I keep a glass by my bedside and drink it before I even get out of bed.
2. Reusable Water Bottle
Always carry around a good handheld water bottle because the closer it is to you, the more likely you are to drink out of it. I carry mine everywhere, plus I keep the Ultima Replenisher single serving stick packs in my bag. They are super convenient for on the go. All you need to do is add a stickpack to 16 fl oz of water, shake and enjoy. Pro tip: grab a water bottle with a built in straw which makes it easy to drink without spilling.
3. Use Reminders + Track Your Water Consumption
Drink Water Reminder N Tracker is a free app designed to help you remember to drink up all while tracking your daily water intake. You can set notifications anywhere from 10 minutes to 3 hours that’ll appear on both your phone + apple watch. Pro tip: I set mine for the same times everyday to give myself one less task to worry about.
4. Eat Hydrating Foods
There are lots of fruits and vegetables that have a high water content, like watermelon, cucumbers, celery, grapefruit, strawberries, tomatoes, and lettuce. Not only are they full of nutrition but they’ll totally count towards your daily water goal. Here’s an example of some fruits and vegetables with over 90% water content.
Lettuce: 96%
Celery: 95%
Cucumber: 95%
Tomatoes: 95%
Zucchini: 95%
Asparagus: 94%
Cabbage: 93%
Cauliflower: 92%
Spinach: 91%
Watermelon: 91%
Strawberries: 91%
Grapefruit: 91%
5. Drink When You Give Your Kids A Drink
Another way I up my water intake is drinking with my kids. Every time they ask for a drink, we have a friendly competition to see who can finish our glass first. Let’s be real, I let them win to avoid meltdowns but it does really help to drink an extra few glasses a day.
6. Purchase Ultima Replenisher Stickpacks
Always making sure that you have Ultima Replenisher with you wherever you go is KEY. Keeping stickpacks of it in your purse, in your car, in your diaper bag, etc to help you replace any electrolytes and vitamins and minerals you lost throughout the day. There isn’t a flavor I’ve tried I didn’t love. They’re all SO delicious!