Five Simple Steps to Sugar-Free Living

Five Simple Steps to Sugar-Free Living

A sugar-free lifestyle is a popular choice for people  looking to take control of their lives and health. Cutting out excess sugar leads you to choose healthier foods and can help you live a more active, well-rounded lifestyle. However, is reducing sugar intake easier said than done?  

We’re here to help make it easier. The key is to take steps to eliminate sugar in a way that is sustainable for you. Here are five simple steps to sugar-free living to give you that extra head start. 

#1 Read product labels  

If you plan to reduce your sugar intake, then learning how to read product labels and find hidden sugar can help. In fact, you may get extra motivation here because you’ll see how much sugar  is really in many foods. Sugar likes to hide in many common grocery items, like crackers, grains, boxed rice, baked beans, bread, and granola. Understanding nutrition labels can help you find truly healthier foods.  

It’ll also help to familiarize yourself with the most common names for sugar if you plan to effectively cut it out of your diet. There are up to 61 different names for sugar on food labels, and the most common ones are high fructose corn syrup, maltose, rice syrup, molasses, cane sugar, dextrose, and caramel.

Here are some other ways to decipher sugar levels in your favorite grocery foods:

  • If sugar is listed higher on the ingredient list, that means the product contains more sugar. 
  • Sugar is measured in grams on labels, and four grams equals one teaspoon. 
  • Fruit and other produce don’t come with an ingredients label, so you can check the nutritional information online using your phone.  

#2 Cut back on sugary drinks  

Sugary drinks are one of the most common culprits for consuming excess sugar in your diet. Soda, sweetened teas, fruit juices, sweetened coffee, and many sports  drinks are among the most common offenders. Even  protein smoothies can contain large amounts of added sugar. 

Plus, calories from these drinks don’t necessarily equate to more energy.  are absorbed quickly and can result in a rapid increase in your blood sugar levels. Plan to replace these overly sweet drinks with water, sparkling water, unsweetened herbal teas, and coffee without any sugar.

Staying hydrated can also curb your sugar cravings, especially with a naturally sweetened, flavor-filled electrolyte drink. Ultima Replenisher is a delicious no-calorie electrolyte drink made with fruit and plant extracts and naturally derived organic stevia leaf extract. It gives you the sweet without the sugar! Ultima’s Original Variety pack has five delicious flavors to curb your sugar cravings. Plus, it provides the ultimate refreshment with six key electrolytes—calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus and chloride—your body needs to stay fueled and energized.

#3 Meal prep with whole foods 

Planning out your meals can help you focus on incorporating the right ingredients into your diet and keep sugar at bay. Processed and already-prepared foods, like frozen pizza and pre-packaged sandwiches, are likely to contain more  salt, sugar, and other additives. Even though these foods can be easy to grab after a long day–many aren’t that healthy and can throw you off your no-sugar lifestyle.  

Choosing to follow a diet with whole foods can help you feel full and satisfied while cutting out excess sugar. Eating fish, lean meats, fruits, vegetables, and unprocessed grains means you’ll be eating less refined sugar, p lus, more protein-rich foods can promote fullness for longer between your meals..  

Keep in mind that 90% of added sugars come from ultra-processed foods, like sweetened breakfast cereals, store-bought baked goods and hot dogs. Preparing simple meals, like marinated meats and vegetables can keep meal prepping easy, healthy and delicious. 

#4 Avoid artificial sweeteners and switch to a naturally-derived sweetener 

Completely cutting sugar from your diet can be difficult for those just starting out. So, it’s tempting to try artificial sugar to satisfy your cravings. However, ingesting artificial sweeteners can trick the body into believing it's ingesting sugar and end up increasing your cravings or causing weight gain.  

To maintain a sugar-free lifestyle, try to avoid artificial sweeteners that are listed in ingredients by their chemical names, like sucralose, aspartame, or neotame.  

However, choosing a naturally derived sweetener like organic stevia leaf extract (rebaudioside A) can offer some sweet relief. Ultima Replenisher’s electrolyte drinks contain this naturally derived sweetener with a low glycemic index, so it won't spike or drop your blood sugar level. You can still enjoy a delicious drink with none of the sugar cravings, like Ultima’s Tropical Variety pack , which is bursting with flavor and keeps you hydrated and satisfied. 

#5 Take your sugar-free lifestyle slowly  

When you start a no-sugar diet, it may feel impossible to cut out 100% of sugar. That’s why going gradually can help you stick to your goals and be more effective in the long term.  

It’s possible to train your palate to adjust to less sugar in your diet. Try to first eliminate your most obvious sugar offenders, such as candy, baked goods, or sugary drinks. Even slowly reducing the amount of sugar and creamer in your coffee can help you stay on track. If cutting out sugar seems overwhelming, just change one thing at a time. Go at your own pace.

 As you adapt to less sugar, eating something sweet can be a special occasion. It’ll be difficult to fully eliminate sugar—and it’s not always necessary. Eating the occasional slice of birthday cake can be just fine.  

Once you’ve retrained your palate, you’ll have fewer sugar cravings and be better equipped to reach your goals. A sugar-free lifestyle is possible for many women, but it’s important to do it safely, and at the right pace to set you up for the most long-term success.